
Bhutan, a tiny piece of paradise with misty mountains and lush green forests, is home to many hidden gems that astonish travellers. There are a few villages which are unspoiled and Lunana Village in Gasa District is one such kingdom of heaven where every tourist must pay their visit. Lunana is a hamlet with fewer number of houses making it one of the most remote settlements in Bhutan. This is also the administrative center of Lunana Gewog that is located in the northern end of Gasa district. Therefore, it shares its borders with neighbour Tibet. The best thing about this exciting place is its unchanged culture which majorly represents the lifestyle of the Himalayan community residing amidst the gigantic mountain glaciers. Moreover, the common language spoken by the locals is either the national language of the country Dzongkha or Lunanakha.

It is said that Lunana Village was established centuries ago when people were exiled from Tibet. These people with minimal finances brought their livestock with them and till date, most of them are indulged in herding businesses. To earn a valuable amount, they travel back and forth from the village to the nearest herding camps to provide their services. Besides that, the locals have quite a good knowledge of the medicinal flora and they are also benefited by the production of Cordyceps which is an outstanding fungus. With such simplicity and wisdom, the people of Lunana have created a welcoming environment for the visitors. So, trek for about one day and visit this marvelous village while you plan your expedition to Bhutan.


Bhutan is divided into 20 districts known as Dzongkhags, popular ones among tourists being Paro, Thimphu, Punakha, Phobjikha and Bumthang. Regardless, each place offers its own unique experience to the traveler visiting Bhutan.

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