
Applying for a visa (or permit) is simple and straightforward – and brings your journey to Bhutan one step closer.

All visitors require a visa before travelling to Bhutan (except those from India, Bangladesh and the Maldives, for whom the relevant processes and fees are outlined separately below).

Effective from September 1, 2023, until August 31, 2027, Bhutan offers a 50% discount on the Sustainable Development Fee (SDF) for USD-paying tourists, reducing it from USD 200 to USD 100 per person per day. Children aged 6 to 12 also receive a 50% SDF discount. The 24-hour SDF waiver for border town stays will continue. These incentives support Bhutan’s High Value, Low Volume tourism policy and may be reviewed after August 31, 2027.

A non-refundable, one-off visa application fee of US$40 is also payable.

To apply for a visa online you will need:

  • A digital copy of a valid passport
  • A recent digital passport photo
  • Arrival and departure dates 
  • Valid travel insurance for the duration of your travel 
  • Payment details

Visitors from India, Bangladesh and the Maldives

Visitors from India require a permit. No fees are payable in advance. 

You can also apply at your point of entry, but please be aware that there may be a long wait depending on the number of applicants at the time. If you are applying for a permit on arrival, you will need a passport-size photograph. You must also have insurance for the duration of your visit, which you can prearrange or purchase upon arrival. Your SDF is payable when applying for your permit, either online or in person. 

Visitors from Bangladesh and the Maldives require a visa, but the process is the same as the one outlined above for Indian nationals.

We recommend arranging your permit or visa beforehand.


Do visitors need a visa to visit Bhutan?

Yes, all visitors will need a visa to visit Bhutan, except for visitors from India, who will require a permit.

Nationals of Bangladesh and the Maldives shall be eligible for a visa on arrival at the port of entry.

Nationals of Switzerland and Thailand holding diplomatic and official passports shall be eligible for a visa on arrival at the port of entry.

Visitors from India will need a permit to visit Bhutan. This applies to anyone holding an Indian passport, or an Indian voter ID card. For Indian nationals aged under 18 years, a passport or a birth certificate will suffice, and they must be accompanied by legal guardians.

How can visitors process their visa or permit?

Visitors can process a visa or permit online from the website of the Department of Immigration. Visitors can also engage tourism service providers to process the travel documents and plan a trip.

Although visitors from Bangladesh and Maldives can process visas on arrival and visitors from India can process permits on arrival at the port of entry, it is recommended that these be applied online to reduce wait time and for faster clearance at the port of entry.

What are the documents required to process the visa?

A passport copy is required. The passport must be valid for six months from the intended date of departure from the Kingdom; 

Travel insurance valid for the duration of the trip; and

 A recent passport size photograph.

How much is the visa fee and how long does it take to issue?

The visa fee is USD 40 per person and it is non-refundable. While the process to issue the visa is usually quick, the visa can take up to five working days to process. 

What are the documents required to process the permit (for Indian guests)? 

Visitors from India can use a passport or voter ID card. Children under 18 years of age can use a birth certificate or passport, and must be accompanied by a legal guardian.  

Passport size photograph is also required.

Travel insurance is required and should be valid for the whole duration of the trip.

How can I purchase insurance if I don’t have any?

There is also an option to purchase domestic travel insurance from Bhutanese insurance providers at the port of entry during arrivals. There are also tourism information officers stationed at all ports of entry who can assist travelers. Click here to get details on the insurance from Bhutan Insurance Limited.

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